Monday, December 10, 2007

Neat "first" for me

So.....Angelina is now 6 and had a "wiggly" tooth for about 2 days last week and she REALLY REALLY wanted to get it out. She tried and tried but to no avail. Shelly then tried and again...nada. So....she comes to me and asks me to pull it out. It was so cute! She comes over to me and said "Jake my tooth is really wiggly and me and mommy have tried to pull it out but we cant. Will you try?" So I sat down in the recliner and tried but it was really slippery! So I says to her... you know what my daddy used to do to pull out our teeth out? He used pliers!! Her mouth shut so fast i felt the wind on my face! LOL!! I had to PROMISE not to use the pliers and then she reluctantly opened back up and I tried once more...then.. POP!...out came the tooth. She was not int he least bit scared (except when I brought out the pliers or course) :) We hurried and put it in a plastic bag and she RAN to her room when we explained to her about the tooth fairy and put it under her pillow. You can guess the rest of the story, but I just thought it was neat because chances are I will not be there to pull any of Mitchells teeth let alone his first one. I really felt like a daddy that day and it was really cool!! I can see now why dad liked to pull our teeth out so much!

Love you all and can't wait to see you all this Christmas!!

Jake, Shelly and kids