Hey Family!! So i thought i would put some pictures up here of our summer so far. and the one from our honeymoon. There are very few of the honeymoon pictures seems how i didnt look my best with a red swollen face. The others are from our very successful fishing trips!! I total have caught around 5 this summer.....thats good for me!! Plus the one i got at Sheep valley counts as like 2 so maybe i should just round up to 6 or 7--bad rounding i know, but math has never been my forte!!
As for our update, let see Me and Brandon just started another semester, my last and Brandons second to last. I am super excited to be done seems how i have been in school for like almost 20 years straight, minus the semester i took for Romania.
Other news might include the addition to our lives---our friend Altima, he is a great friend that doesnt require so much $$ to put gas in him. He is a pretty car, and we really love him!! : )
Other than that there isnt much.
I hope you all are doing great!!!
Love Marci Kay
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Update and Pictures!
Posted by Marci Kay!! at 9/05/2007 10:44:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The past while. . .
Hey everybody,
I just thought I'd give an update on what's going on in Burlington. I am well into my second course, Cell and Molecular Biology, which is luckily a lot of review with a few different spins and details for me. It has still taken a great deal of reviewing however, which ended up consuming a good portion of our labor day weekend. We did however, visit the Champlain Valley Fair which was great. Enoch loved all of the animals and especially the sounds we would make when we introduced him to them. He is getting his 5th tooth, so the teething trials have resumed. He is also becoming more adventurous and has even started taking a few steps on his own before he pulls a Peter and looses faith. Missy has won my vote for homemaker of the year with all the gourmet dinners she has ever ready when I come home, not to mention the doting lunches that have my classmates all jealous. Also, today we went with the inspector and looked through our soon-to-be house from top to bottom. I learned a ton from him; very practical advice. We also met the children of the previous owner who grew up in that house (now in their 50's) and now live down the street. We are so excited. There is a lot of potential in that house.
Hope all's well with everybody.
Chase, Missy, and Enoch.
P.S. Enoch says he is starting to forget all of you already and needs some pictures of you to put in his slobber album so he can stay sharp. Please help him in this endeavor. Thanks.
Posted by T-Bone at 9/04/2007 07:09:00 PM 0 comments